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Pennsylvania Railroad
Technical and Historical Society

>>> TKM No. 129 - Summer 2024 Published <<<


Remembering Brady McGuire

It with a sad heart that I report that Brady McGuire, our Membership Expediter, passed away peacefully last Thursday evening, September 12th.

Brady joined PRRT&HS in 1972 and was very proud when he marked his 50th year of continuous membership, and in that same year, he was awarded the Atlantic Shield award. There are only 65 members on our rolls who have been a member longer than Brady.

As Membership Expediter, late each summer, Brady would hand-write letters to every member who had not renewed for the current year by then, asking them to get caught up on their membership. He performed this duty for many years, writing literally hundreds of letters each year.

Over the years, he wrote several articles for The Keystone, and at our annual meetings, you couldn't miss him with his cowboy hat (white for everyday wear and black for formal occasions), unassuming manner and friendly smile.

Well-known in the 2-rail O scale community, Brady built a large PRR layout that was featured in the July/August 2023 issue of the Cowcatcher magazine as he surpassed 700 operating sessions.

He was the treasurer of the society's Penn-Texas chapter and, really, its go-to guy.

Most of all, Brady was a great friend who will be sorely missed.

Summer Issue of The Keystone Modeler Published

The Summer 2024 issue of TKM has been published.

In this issue:

  • The unbelievable model of the Pennsy's North Philadelphia Station that started as a custom 3D kit by Jim Unruh and was built as a collaborative effort by Pete Forbes, Ed Swain and Curt LaRue and now resides on Pete's layout.
  • The first set of pictures of the 2024 Annual Meeting Models.

You can find it here.


Pictures from the PRRT&HS 2024 Annual Meeting

We have some pictures from the 2024 annual meeting. You might be in one.

Click here to view them.

If you have any pictures from the 2024 annual meeting that you'd like to submit for inclusion in this collection, please attach them to an email sent to


Summer 2024 The Keystone In the Mail

The Summer 2024, volume 57 number 2, is in the mail. Be looking for it. You can go here to see the Table of Contents.

Thanks, Altoona Works Chapter, for Hosting a Wonderful Annual Meeting

Our 2024 annual meeting concluded Saturday with a delicious barbecue picnic at the Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum in which our intrepid members gathered under the tents and basked in the warmth of the companionship of good friends.

We wish our members and their guests who attended a safe trip home and we look forward to seeing them and all of you next year in Harrisburg.

2024 Board with 1361 Tender

The 2024 Board of Directors in Front of the Big Surprise, 1361's Tender at the 2024 PRRT&HS Annual Meeting in Altoona, PA

More pictures to follow...

New Book for Sale!

Conquest III

by Rick Tipton and David P. Oroszi, 2023

Continuing David Messer's highly-respected Conquest Series, authors Tipton and Oroszi chronicle PRR's Ohio Panhandle Lines, Pittsburgh - Dennison and Branches, Uhrichsville to E. Columbus, the Zanesville Branch, Columbus & Xenia Bradford Line, and Bradford to New Paris.

This 515-page hardbound book, Smyth sewn, contains 980 illustrations, some in color. A mating CD offers 42 large scale maps in PDF format.

Member Price - $119

Non-member Price - $139

Plus Shipping and Handling

Available now in our on-line store!

Go to store


2021 - 2022 Keystones In Store Now

The 2021 and 2022 issues of our quarterly publication The Keystone are now available in our Store. Cost is $15 each to the public or $12 each to our members. To get to the store, click on "Store" in our menu above or click here. Members must be logged into the website in order to get the member price.

To Our Members:

> By logging in and providing your e-mail address, we will be better able to communicate with you in the future.

>You will need to Log-In to your account to get member discounts in our new Store

To the Public:

> If you are not a member of PRRT&HS, our legacy web site is still up and running at We are working to move all of that web site over to this new, public web site.

> If you wish to join our society, please click on the "Join Us" menu selection at the top of this page..

Preserving the heritage of "The Standard Railroad of the World" for future generations

The Society's mission is to further scholarly learning and interest in the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) and its predecessor companies by stimulating and encouraging the collecting, researching, recording and preserving of all technical, historical and practical information concerning the PRR and to make this information available to interested persons. And to further the accurate modeling of the PRR so that future generations may better appreciate and understand the company.

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Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
A 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation
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