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Technical and Historical Society

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Blast From the Past

Pauletta Ader | Published on 7/22/2022

2022 marks the 70th Anniversary in the Broadway Limited’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. From June 26 through July 17, 1952, The Pennsylvania Railroad celebrated “50 Years of the Broadway Limited” with a Golden Anniversary Menu.

This menu featured the Pennsy’s most famous entrees:

Prime Ribs of beef, oven roasted, natural gravy, au gratin potatoes and

buttered green beans for $4.20

Or maybe:

Roast Tender Duckling with dressing and applesauce, snap beans, and parsley potatoes

For $3.75

Are you hungry yet?

Submitted by Rich Ader, Station & Accessions Manger





Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
A 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation
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